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Interspire email marketer nginx rewrite loop

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And these developers have had ample chance to see the worst side of WordPress.

Interspire email marketer nginx rewrite loop code#

Such crappy, convoluted spaghetti code they’d never seen. Our best developers – very platform agnostic – threatened to quit if I accepted anymore Joomla work. We did our first CMS project in Mambo and last year redeveloped a couple of existing sites in Joomla. I still wouldn’t make that trade-off: slightly better core code for a vast pool of community contributed code. On a big project, most of your expense will be custom development anyway – everything has to be optimised and integrated – so you don’t much care one way or another about a myriad of plugins which you will probably not use. Corollary: choose your plugins and plugin developers very, very carefully for cleanliness of code and frequency of update.įor a very large commercial project, I can see a justification for choosing Drupal.

Interspire email marketer nginx rewrite loop full#

Feel the pain for a commercial site with running a full complement of plugins. There are no security releases only new versions. You have to keep upgrading your site, whether you like it or not, for security reasons. Weak static page management without adding plugins.

Interspire email marketer nginx rewrite loop upgrade#

Really crappy commercial themes which are heavily marketed but compromise your ability to either upgrade or switch themes and compromise performance for the life of your site.Lots of popular but seriously broken plugins which will cripple your website performance forever and make it nearly impossible for you to cleanly upgrade (NextGen Gallery, I’m looking at you but not just you).Lots of really crap faker developers in the pool who couldn’t build a working website to save their mother’s life.Fairly weak core code (in comparison to Drupal, but not Joomla!) but core getting better every year.Particular thanks to Mark Jaquith for keeping the community running with less nepotism and more fairness than most collective human endeavour. Active leadership from Automattic and founding team.A WordPress site does not have to look like a WordPress site. Easy to optimise for performance thanks to Donncha O Caoimh and Frederick Townes.Developer pricing is all over the map as there are many old-school Mambo/Joomla developers still ought there churning out convoluted future-resistant code quite affordably.Anyone who likes to code in Joomla/Mambo in 2011 ought to see a psychiatrist. Fractured community (never healed after Joomla/Mambo split back in 2006).Leading SEO plugin belongs to a very peculiar developer and is encrypted (have fun repairing the SEO plugin, we reverse engineered and decrypted it for our site to make our changes even after paying for it). A Mambo/Joomla site looks like Mambo/Joomla, like it or not. Built-in performance pretty sluggish/clunky.Built-in membership/community features.You’re going to have to get your hands dirty almost every time. Can be made very server efficient in the right hands (scaleable).Fewer clowns available for hire (you can either code Drupal or you can’t, it’s harder to fake it).Some very good developers available for hire.So here’s my summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the above CMS platforms. Is there someone with experience with Drupal, Joomla/Mambo and WordPress who can tell what the differences are? What are the strong and weak points?įor better or worse, I am that person. In a CMS discussion group I belong to, someone recently asked:

Interspire email marketer nginx rewrite loop